
Commerce & Distribution

As a specialist attorney for commercial and corporate law, Dr. Thomas Müller is your qualified advisor for all legal questions in the legal field of commerce and distribution. 

Dr. Müller supports companies and entrepreneurs in all legal issues in the field of commerce and distribution - from the drafting of contracts to legal disputes with contractual partners.

In the very extensive field of commerce and distribution law, Dr. Müller focuses in particular on what applies to all contracts - namely contract law and, in particular, the law governing general terms and conditions (GTC). Based on his many years of experience, Dr. Müller is happy to explain to his clients that most contracts in consumer (B2C) and business (B2B) transactions are to be qualified as GTC. 

German law on general terms and conditions, with its high intensity of regulation and multifaceted case law, is often difficult to understand, even for the experienced businessman. This is where the experience and academic expertise of Dr Müller pays off for you: Dr. Müller has a doctorate in the field of GTC law (Der Einfluss des Unionsrechts auf die AGB-Kontrolle von Bankentgelten im Zahlungsverkehr – [The Influence of Union Law on the Control of General Terms and Conditions of Bank Charges in Payment Transactions], Nomos Verlag 2018, magna cum laude), is a profound connoisseur of the subject matter and is thus your competent advisor in all matters in this field.

In addition to the purely legal component of contract drafting, attorney Dr. Müller always keeps an eye on the economic and tax aspects for his clients and can bundle the diverse competences for his clients in cooperation with his long-standing reliable cooperation partners.

In addition to the law on general terms and conditions, it is very important to pay attention to distribution cartel law because of the drastic consequences. Distribution cartel law, for example, prescribes the mandatory requirements to be complied with in the context of contractual procurement ties, which must not be overlooked under any circumstances. Dr. Müller advises his clients with expertise and a sense of proportion and informs them of the risks in good time. Dr. Müller can also safely implement the provisions of cartel law in contracts for you.

Dr. Thomas Müller's expertise in the area of commercial and distribution covers not exclusively but in particular the following topics:

General terms and conditions of purchase (B2B).
Franchise contracts.
Commercial agency contracts.
Sales contracts under UN Sales Law.
Commission contracts.
Supply contracts.
Framework contracts.
General terms and conditions of sale (B2B / B2C).
Authorised dealer agreements.
Webshop GTC.

Attorney-at-law Dr. Thomas Müller is the right contact for all questions relating to the legal field of trade and distribution.

Do you intend to set up a distribution system in your company, e.g. franchise or selective distribution system?
Is your company in a dispute with a contractual partner?
Do you need individual contracts for the business idea of your start-up?
Do you need legal support in negotiating or enforcing or defending claims in court?
Has your business reached a new stage of development where it makes sense to adapt all existing contracts to current case law?
Do you want to use general terms and conditions for buying and selling?
Would you like to standardise procedures in your company by means of uniform GTC?
Are you in the process of setting up a company?
The field of commercial and distribution permeates the most diverse sectors and manifold issues, which is why attorney-at-law Dr. Müller examines all factors relevant to your specific concern anew each time and deals with your specific business objectives in an absolutely individual manner.